Dear Members and Friends,

The Friends of Redtail Society will hold their Annual General Meeting at 1pm, Saturday March 23, at the Elmfield Hall,  446 Elmfield  Road NS.

We welcome Bob Bancroft as guest speaker for this year’s AGM.  His talk is titled “Making Room for Wildlife”

Bob Bancroft is a wildlife biologist, writer, and media communicator. Bob is the current President of Nature Nova Scotia, a group of individuals and 25 organizations attempting to raise a stronger voice for nature to counter the gutting of Nova Scotia’s forests and habitats.

The agenda for the afternoon is below       

Business meeting: 1:00 -1:50

Guest Speaker: Bob Bancroft : “Making Room for Wildlife” : 2:00

Directions to Elmfield Hall : 446 Elmfield Road,

6 km past Scotsburn, traveling west on route 256, you will see a sign for Elmfield, turn left. Travel about 2 km down Elmfield Road. Go past MacBeth Road, as you go around the turn you will see the Hall (a red building, will be on your right.

All Welcome

Storm Date is Sunday March 24 (same location and time).

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